Module I: Neurovascular System & Fascial Counterstrain
Somatic dysfunction and Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)
Synergic Pattern
Counterstrain for the Synergic Pattern of the UEs and LEs
Counterstrain Fascial: viscera, arteries, veins, lymph vessels and lymph nodes, intervertebral discs
Cardio-lymphatic Bypass Technique
Neurofascial Fulcrums: cranial nerves, spinal nerves, nerve plexi, motor nerves, sensory nerves and cutaneous nerves
Bioenergetic treatment for the adrenal glands and shock T
ANS Templates: Introduction to energetic phenomenon: sympathetic and parasympathetic motility, regulatory point, meridian point, hypothalamus point
Physiological motilities: muscle, nerve, vena cava, vein, venule, artery, artery-vein flow, artery-lymph flow, lymph node, lymph, lymphatic drainage, arteriovenous malformation (AVM)
Aberrant physiological motilities: fascial micro-damage, immune alteration
Diagnostic scans: arterial system and venous system
Regulatory reflex points: SCS to improve muscular physiology, specific muscles of the Synergic Pattern, craniosacral (dura mater), meninges (dura-arachnoid-pia mater), neuronal plasticity, alignment of the cerebellum, tentorium cerebellum repositioning, adhesions between the meningeal layers